
An interesting study about popcorn came out here

An interesting study about popcorn came out here

An interesting study about popcorn came out here

An interesting study about popcorn came out here. Paris popcorn is a light food that adults, including children, enjoy eating, but few people know the temperature at which corn bits take the form of corn. 

But now French scientists say that these grain kernels become at 180 points. Researchers in France say that when the temperature reaches 180 degrees, the outer shell of the maize kernel explodes, causing the grains to bounce, and a small drop of water coming out of the grain as soon as the grain explodes causes noise. After which these tasty and crispy popcorn are made.

Scientists say the whole process takes one-hundredth of a second. High-speed cameras have been used to deepen the process of corns baked in ovens, measuring every second of maize kernels. Recorded 29,000 frames. During ripening in the oven, the water droplets in the seed kernels begin to turn into steam at 100 degrees, while at 180 degrees, the corn seeds cannot withstand the pressure inside and the outer shell explodes. The fact is that only 34% of the seeds explode at 170 points, but at 180 points, 96% of the seeds explode and turn into corn.

Road Trip


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